Flooring Fixings

Frictional fixing clips are the most common method for fixing open grid flooring. The fixing assembly consists of a universal bottom clip (Type 5), M8 hex nut, bolt and a top clip.

The top clip is interchangeable and should be selected to suit each particular open mesh flooring. Below is a selection of our main top clips.

Flooring Type Saddle Clip SG1 Clip Deep Saddle Clip Narrow Clip Diamond Clip
Safegrid √ *
Safety Grating
* Only suitable for safegrid with 20mm bearing bar centres

Saddle Clip


SG1 Clip


Deep Saddle Clip


Narrow Clip


Diamond Clip

panel joining clipPanel Joining ClipPanel Joining Clip

Specifications can often require that flooring panels are joined together to reduce deflection between adjacent panels. The Lionweld Kennedy joining clip has a slotted hole at both ends of the bottom clip, it is then secured using two M8 nuts, bolts and top clips of choice.


fixingpadPositive fixings

Positive fixings are used to secure the open grid flooring by bolting or firing through the steel support.
This method is generally used when the steel structure is subject to excessive vibrations.
Fixing Pad Fixing Pad
35mm x 5mm pad welded to the flooring with a 10mm hole to allow the grating to be fixed directly to the supporting structure.

Deep saddle with a self tapping bolt

A deep saddle clip is supplied to suit the depth of grating. A self tapping bolt is then used to secure the grating to the steel support.



Clip ons
cliponsTo increase safety on open grid flooring and stairtreads, Lionweld Kennedy have devised a system of simple clip-on bars. These clip to the top of the steel flooring bars and provide an instant anti-slip surface – no drilling, bolting or welding required.


cliponsappClip-ons are also used to create a visual path along the open grid flooring for emergency escape routes. Clip-ons are usually supplied in orange for 5mm Clipons Gratingload bearing bars and red for 3mm load bearing bars.