On Wednesday 15th November 2017, we held a coffee morning to support PASMA’s Tower Safety Week. This year’s theme is working well with towers. The aim of PASMA Tower Safety Week is to promote tower safety and good practice. Falls from height are still one of the major causes of injury within the workplace and PASMA works continually to reduce accidents on mobile access towers through training, education and raising awareness. In the UK alone, 18% of accidents reported in 2017 happened as a result of falling from height.
With Ridgeway being your local tower specialist, we are proud to be a part of Tower Safety Week. We are the largest PASMA training centre in Ireland. We hold weekly courses in our state of the art training centre. We can cater for 1-12 members of your team with refreshments provided throughout the day and a light lunch also included. Theory classes are conducted in the morning with practical lessons and assessments on site in the afternoon. For further information on PASMA courses and to secure your place, please contact our training coordinator, Kay Clarke on +44 (0) 2890 454599.
Please click here if you would like more information on the PASMA Alloy Tower Training courses offered at Ridgeway
If you would like more information on PASMA and what they do please click here.
If you would like more information on the Alloy Tower range Ridgeway stock please click here.

Here at Ridgeway we welcome the opportunity to demonstrate safety while working at height. To speak to a member of Ridgeway’s specialist sales team please call either Belfast: +44 (0) 2890 454599 or Ashbourne: +353 (01) 802 7173 or email info@ridgeway-online.com.