Traffic Control Barriers For Regeneration Project

Ridgeway Supply Traffic Control Barriers for Regeneration Projects in Bangor and Hollywood

With the help of Ridgeway, a local NI contractor has carried out work on town centre regeneration projects in both Hollywood and Bangor. This work involved the upgrading of footpaths, street lighting, landscaping and street furniture. The aim of the projects was to transform both town centres by helping to modernise them and inject a renewed sense of vibrancy.

This scheme provided much needed employment for the local construction industry and helped to reinvigorate both town centres.

Part of this project required traffic control barriers to calm passing traffic in the area and improve the safety of both contactors and the general public. Ridgeways RB 2000 traffic control barriers proved to be the perfect fit for the job.

The RB2000 is a heavy duty road barrier that can be filled with water or ballast for stability. It can be fitted with RB2000 Security fencing panels or RB2000 hoarding to fully secure your site or compound. This 1 meter high barrier system can be weighted to 400kg when filled.

With a patented 5 position interlocking system, the barrier allows for an even flow around corners or uneven surfaces. There is an anti-climb mesh panel that can be added for extra security and a front and end stop is available to minimise trip hazards.

For more information on all of our traffic barrier solutions please click here

If you would like to speak to a member of our sales team about the RB 2000, please call 02890 454599 or email us at

 Ridgeway RB 2000 Traffic Barrier in application at Bangor/Hollywood regeneration project