Galgorm Castle Golf Club Install 2T Rock Bags

During February this year the green keepers at Galgorm Castle Golf club installed 2 Tonne filter units for protection of bridge foundations and sections of the river bank that have been eroded over a period of time.

Access to the work areas was restricted and it was important that they utilised a system that could be easily installed without inflicting damage to areas of the course.

Head green keeper Davy was very impressed with the filter units capabilities, he added “with the utilisation of the filter unit we can undertake the works ourselves and don’t require an outside contractor to install them. The solution was very easily prepared and rapidly installed with the machinery we have which was a real bonus”.

The filter unit solution eliminated the need for any pre –excavation works, therefore the units could be set in place with no riverbed levelling prior to installation, this was a significant cost saving and also eliminated the need for any additional heavy excavation machinery.

A total of 16 units were installed in approximately 3 hours, the filter units gave a very natural finish to the river bank and over time will encourage sediments to accumulate and the growth of vegetation.

For more information on rock bags please click here or alternatively contact our dedicated sales team on +44(0)28 90 4545 99.