Dublin St James Church Uses Limpet As Access For New Glass Spire

Of all the height safety and confined space applications that Limpet systems get used for, accessing a glass spire is one of the more unusual. The St James church in Dublin, was built in the mid-nineteenth Century but was deconsecrated in 1964 and had fallen into disrepair. Then, in 2013, it was acquired by the Lyons family and after two years of restoration will open in 2017 as a boutique distillery.

A centre-piece of the church is a new, distinctive glass steeple some fourteen metres high. Since maintaining the aesthetics of the spire was important to the developers, permanent ladders were ruled out and so Limpet partners Ridgeway proposed the use of a Limpet system as a safe, easy, cost effective and inconspicuous means of providing technicians with access.

limpet systemAs these first shots make clear, the church will make a fantastic addition to the Dublin skyline and if you look closely, you may just see someone dangling inside! We’ll post more shots as we get them.

The versatility of the Limpet System was further demonstrated as other tradesmen were able to complete their work on lighting, fixtures and fittings at the same time without being hindered by traditional methods for this installation.

Watch this space for further photos from this location following successful completion.

To contact us about this type of work or to find out further details about limpet systems, please call 02890 454599 or click here to view our website section on Limpet Systems.